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20th Anniversary Week of Events

Date: February 25, 2020 - February 29, 2020

Join us February 25 to February 29 to celebrate 20 years of Dinosaurs!

kid and family activities

Kick-off the 20th Anniversary on February 25 at 5:30pm. Participants will receive free admission, although young children may not enjoy the slideshow and tour as much as other activities we have planned.

Yes, February 26 the museum is FREE! If you haven’t been here in a while, come check out the new exhibits and projects we’ve completed. At 3pm we’ll have cookies to share and at 4pm we’ll have a dinosaur pinata that we’ll need help cracking open!

February 27, the fossil prep lab tour and play-doh for the dino sculpting contest is included with regular admission rates. We’ll be staying open late until 7pm to make sure everyone who wants to can see behind the scenes at the museum.

February 28, the kid’s educational activities will start at 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. They are included with regular admission and will be held in the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site’s classroom.
The lectures at DSU’s Dunford Auditorium begin at 5 pm and are free to the public. Speakers include Dr. Jim Kirkland, state paleontologist of Utah, Utah Geological Survey, Dr. Martin Lockley, professor emeritus at the University of Colorado at Denver, Dr. Adam Marsh, lead paleontologist for Petrified Forest National Park, and Dr. Alan Titus, BLM paleontologist for the Grand-Staircase Escalante National Monument.

Please note, February 29 is an adults-only event where we will be unveiling the future plans for the Dinosaur Discovery Site and an upcoming exhibit. We’ll have live music by Nickelpeak along with a DJ giving away coupons from all over town. We’ll be serving the specially made Aleosaurus blonde ale by Zion Brewery and Dubs will be catering wings and BBQ. We’ll have a silent auction and all proceeds benefit the museum. Tickets are $25/person. To purchase tickets, click on the link below:

Call 435-574-3466×1 or email for questions.